
Chicken Mushroom and Leek Cobbler

Enjoy this rich and warming Chicken Mushroom & Leek Cobbler for dinner! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
I can’t imagine Autumn without enjoying a healthy portion(s) of my absolute favorite …

Chicken Mushroom and Leek Cobbler

It’s more of a Chicken Pot Pie remake to be honest. Although I don’t mind carrots … cooked … they really aren’t my favorite food. So I usually think of ways around them, like not using them at all if I can get away without them. This recipe is a classic example of my tweaking to death a recipe until it was nothing like what mamma use to make. *Disclaimer – That said, my mom DID indeed make delicious food, but she usually stuck to the recipe without altering it, not a bad thing…WE LOVED HER FOOD.*

I on the other hand, am always thinking of a multitude of ways to make say … potatoes for example. In fact, every time I make a basic pasta sauce I change something and it never taste the same way twice…it’s tasty, but my little wheels are forever reinventing my old stand bys and I have to force myself to stick with what I did the last time I made it … because my kids have caught on and apparently need some stability in the kitchen, lol.

Enjoy this rich and warming Chicken Mushroom & Leek Cobbler for dinner! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
I decided to make this a cobbler rather than use a traditional pastry top…I completely left out the peas and carrots…pretty much so changed the whole shebang. I added instead, my personal favorites – leeks and mushrooms. Leeks are the gorgeous and have a butter like taste which is complemented by the woody mushrooms. Thyme is my herb of choice and for the cobbler, I sneaked in some cheddar cheese!

The cobbler  – YUM! In fact, you can make the cobbler portion of the recipe as drop biscuits and serve them with most any hearty meal. You can also change out the Cheddar for any cheese, such as Gruyere or Parmesan and indulge. They are extremely versatile and have a rustic, down home yum to them.

Enjoy this rich and warming Chicken Mushroom & Leek Cobbler for dinner! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
As you may have noticed, mine kind of cooked over and out of the dish, this is normal and to prevent labor intensive oven cleaning later, I simply had set my casserole dish on a baking tray during the baking time. So just in case yours might decide to go AWOL … remember the baking tray!

My BIG tip that I saw on a show I can’t even remember now: FREEZE the butter for several hours or overnight, not just fridge it. AND FREEZE that box grater too. I do this for all my pastry dough now and it works brilliantly every time.

Enjoy this rich and warming Chicken Mushroom & Leek Cobbler for dinner! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood

Chicken Mushroom and Leek Cobbler

Yield: 4 - 6
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

A hearty dish with a down home appeal, Chicken Mushroom and Leek Cobbler.


For the Filling:

  • 2 Tbls Olive Oil
  • 3 Chicken Breast, boneless, skinless and cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 16 oz Mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 Garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 large or 2 small Leeks, cleaned and sliced @ 1/4 inch thick
  • 6 Tbls All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Tbls Mustard Powder (or stone ground mustard)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Thyme, dried
  • 1 (14.5 oz) can Chicken Broth
  • 2 Tbls Whipping Cream, or substitute Greek Yogurt or Creme Fraiche
  • 2 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup dry White Wine or water


  • 2 1/2 cups Self Rising Flour
  • 1/4 tsp Paprika
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper
  • 1/2 cup unsalted Butter, frozen and grated
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese, grated
  • 1 1/4 cup Buttermilk


  1. *Several hours before, such as the night before, put your butter and box grater in the freezer*

For the Filling:

  1. In large saute pan or skillet, heat the Olive Oil over medium high heat.
  2. Add Chicken and cook until starting to turn golden 8 - 10 min.
  3. Toss in Mushrooms and minced Garlic and cook for a further 3 - 5 min. Stirring occasionally.
  4. Now add the Leeks and give it a stir, Turn heat down to just under medium and cover for an additional 5 min.
  5. Slowly sprinkle over the All Purpose Flour (do NOT dump it all in at once) and stir as you add . Stir in well.
  6. Now you can add the Mustard, Thyme, Salt and Pepper and give it a quick stir before continuing to add in the Chicken Broth, Balsamic Vinegar and the White Wine (or Water). Mix well and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  7. Take off the heat and now add in the Whipping Cream. Taste and adjust taste if needed. Give it a quick stir, transfer to oven-proof casserole dish (6 cup dish) and set aside.
  8. Preheat oven to 400F.

For the Cobbler:

  1. With frozen butter and frozen box grater, grate your butter quickly and add to a large bowl with the Flour and gently toss grated butter around in flour to coat.
  2. Add Paprika and Salt.
  3. Now with same grater, grate cheese and add to bowl, tossing to coat.
  4. Pour in Buttermilk. With fork or pastry blender gently mix and start to press buttermilk throughout until a shaggy dough starts to form, don't worry about cheese and butter being blended completely in.

Finishing Up:

  1. With the Chicken mixture already in a 6 cup casserole dish, take a heaping Tablespoon of the cobbler batter and "drop" along the edge of dish to form mounds.
  2. Bake in the middle of a pre-heated 400F oven for 25 - 30 min or until tops of Cobbler lightly browns.
  3. Carefully remove from oven and cool for 5 - 10 min. Serve.

***Note: Mixture can "boil" over when in the oven, so placing casserole dish a baking tray will save you from having to clean the bottom of the oven later.

Enjoy this rich and warming Chicken Mushroom & Leek Cobbler for dinner! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood

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  1. Just checking, but is this the correct amount of buttermilk – 1/14 cup Buttermilk? Did you mean 1/4 cup?
    Thanks! Excited to try this recipe!

    1. Hello! Typos at midnight 😉 Sorry about that. It is actually suppose to be 1 1/4 cup Buttermilk. I corrected the recipe above. Thanks for the catch 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

  2. This dish absolutely screams fall! So looking forward to trying your recipe, it sounds fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


  3. The chicken mixture is the bomb. I made the dumpling part gluten free. Can’t wait to see how it turned out. Thanks for the recipe.

      1. I’m glad you liked the Chicken mixture…I’ve not experimented much with Gluten free…but if/when you figure out the good ratio of liquid for the mix, please post it here for everyone. 😀

  4. I loved reading about you , it was so nice to see that you love Jesus , I love Jesus to , am also a bad knitter, am now having a go at needle felting which is fun :0) . am giving this one a go i made the casserole, now going to have a go at the cob things,.so I will let you know if people like it , i think i may well of put to much mustard in in :o) , but my sister in law is Indian so she may like the kick :0) .,thank you for posting this .

    1. Thank you Bethia! It’s good to know that I’m not the only one battling those knitting needles. Looking forward to hearing how it goes! 🙂

  5. It when really well , I put the wrong herbs in I used oregano and to much of it , but if it was not for that it would of been the best thing I have ever made, everyone was impressed with the cobs , it’s a very rewarding meal to make , you are Avery good cooking and a blessing thank you so much , I have my eye on that pumpkin cheesecake as well , I think I will be doing a lot more of your dishes XXxX god bless you abundantly 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Bethia! I’m glad it went well sans the oregano 😉 I do highly recommend the pumpkin cheesecake, highly highly recommend! Many blessings.

  6. I’ve just made my chicken, leek & mushroom cobbler( which is cooking as I speak.) Tweaked it by making my own cheese sauce & adding Oregano, Basil, Paprika, salt, pepper, extra mature cheddar, & a sprinkling of Grana Padano Italian cheese to my cobbler. Can’t wait to try it…😋😋

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