Chocolate Toffee Brittle

Do you enjoy Chocolate or Toffee…BOTH?

Then try this Chocolate Toffee Brittle

Chocolate Toffee Brittle

Okay, so “Brittle” to me has always involved hard toffee with lots of nuts broken into uneven shards of yum.  I remember my grandmother with her slab of marble, making old fashioned peanut brittle and I couldn’t wait to try it. Once it was ready, she would give me the largest piece of the bunch. I savored every bite and begged for more, but it was to my toothbrush’s dismay.

That’s probably why I am a bit hesitant to even slightly refer to this recipe as a “Brittle”. It’s not as hard as traditional peanut brittle, but it has all of the ooh and ahh of great tasting brittle and has a “must have more” treat written all over it.

“Yes please, may I have more?”

I’ve seen it made several ways with different types of chocolates, nuts and even crackers…all of which are seriously good. (Yes, I said crackers) This particular “Brittle” is made with a base of crackers – Saltines! For those unaware of what this mainstay of a Saltine is, it’s a basic plain cracker with salt. Now, if you happen to be in an area that Saltines or the like are unavailable, you could try using cream crackers instead.

Chocolate Toffee Brittle

I chose my dear friend, Dark Chocolate as my chocolate choice and topped it off with dried cherries and walnuts. You can use use any favorite chocolate you like, any dried fruit and any nut … or none of the above and just enjoy the base with the toffee … or even just the Saltine all by itself (um, nah not this time).

Chocolate Toffee Brittle makes a wonderful treat for any occasion. My only recommendation is that if you live in a hotter climate, fridge them – or you’ll end up with a scenario of messy proportions but still darn tasty!

Chocolate Toffee Brittle

Chocolate Toffee Brittle

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

A delightful indulgent treat, Chocolate Toffee Brittle made with Saltines!


  • 75 Saltine Crackers
  • 1 cup Unsalted Butter
  • 1 cup Light Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 - 1 1/2 cups Dark Chocolate chips or pieces
  • 3/4 cup Walnuts, roughly chopped
  • 3/4 cup Dried Cherries, roughly chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 400F. Line baking pan (10 x 15 inch) with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. With about half of the Saltines, arrange in a single layer in pan.
  3. In medium saucepan over medium high heat, stir together the Butter and brown Sugar and bring to a boil for a couple minutes (@ 2 min), until you have a puffy like mixture.
  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and add immediately the Baking Powder. Keep stirring, it will begin to foam some more.
  5. Slowly drizzle half the toffee mixture over the Saltines in the prepared pan.
  6. Add the remaining Saltines to form the second layer (be careful).
  7. Pour remaining toffee mixture over the final Saltine layer.
  8. Bake at 400F for 6 - 8 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and scatter over chocolate and let sit for about 1 minute until chocolate has softened.
  10. With the back of a spoon, knife or offset spatula, spread the chocolate into a smooth layer over the top.
  11. Finish up by scattering over the walnut and cherry pieces on top.
  12. Set aside to cool. (I placed mine in freezer for 30 minutes to speed it up)
  13. Now you can break into pieces the size of a single or double crackers and enjoy.

Note: May be kept in and airtight container for up to a week or freezer up to 3 - 4 weeks in sealed container. I keep mine in a container in the fridge.


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