Hot and Spicy Boiled Peanuts and Southern Roadtrips

So full of flavor and easy to make, southern Hot & Spicy Boiled Peanuts! Get the recipe at Little Figgy Food

Seriously southern, Hot and Spicy Boiled Peanuts!

You know you’re in the South, when you pass little road-side stands with hand painted “boiled peanuts” signs. They pretty much so holler at you, that you can’t help but pull over and buy a hot steamy bag of them to christen your road trip.

Boiled Peanuts are the epitome of Southern culture.

I love those local make-shift road side stands! You can find the best local produce, snacks to go and meet some of the most amazing people.

Easy to make, Hot and Spicy Boiled Peanuts recipe! Find the recipe at Little Figgy Food.
While at the local market the other day, I came across a massive bag of raw green peanuts. Yaaasss! I’m pretty sure you can figure out how this ends up. Nope, I didn’t hesitate for a minute, I grabbed myself a bag (massive bag, by the way) and headed home to make this recipe for hot and spicy, Tabasco spiked Boiled Peanuts.

Now, you may have seen other recipes that require you to soak them for 8 hours or overnight and then boil them. This is not that kind of recipe. No soaking required. Plain and simple, boil ’em up and enjoy!

You can make this recipe in a large stock pot as I did, or you can adapt the recipe and make these boiled peanuts in the Crock Pot. Simple. Easy. Done.

Check out these classic Boiled Peanuts recipes:

I’m a sucker for enjoying them hot, straight out of the pot, but they taste equally amazing cold. 


Easy to make, Hot and Spicy Boiled Peanuts recipe! Find the recipe at Little Figgy Food.

Hot and Spicy Boiled Peanuts

Yield: 8 - 10 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes

Easy to make, flavored with a nice dose of Old Bay and a bit of Tabasco Sauce to sober up these southern "road-trip" favorites, Boiled Peanuts!


  • 2 lbs raw, green Peanuts, in their shells
  • 6 oz Old Bay seasoning
  • 6 Tbsp Tabasco Sauce
  • 1/2 cup Salt
  • Water


  1. In a large stock pot, add the Peanuts, cover with water. Stir in the seasonings and bring to a boil over medium high heat, cooking for about 1  1/2 hours for "al dente" or up to 3 hours, adding water if needed, for softer boiled peanuts.
  2. Remove from heat, allow to cool slightly. Enjoy hot or chilled.
  3. Can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week.


If you wish to tone down the spicy bit, just decrease the amount of Tabasco Sauce or completely omit.

To make in the Crock Pot:

In a 6 qt. Crock Pot, add the raw peanuts plus remaining ingredients, cover with about 10 cups of water and cook on low for 20 - 24 hours. Drain and serve hot or chilled.

Adapted from Southern Living

Now, I just want take a moment and give a shout out to all of ya’ll, my friends, that may be directly or indirectly affected by the recent Hurricane, that mean old Harvey. My heart hurts over this. It’s been many years since I’ve been in that part of the world, your gorgeous part of the world. You have my thoughts and prayers! For anyone who wishes to help through donations, you can follow this link, CLICK HERE, or click on the banner to donate directly to Convoy of Hope.

Convoy of Hope

Try this southern favorite, Hot and Tabasco Spiked Spicy Boiled Peanuts recipe! Find out how to make them at Little Figgy Food.

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