It’s sweet, it has a lovely bit of crunch and a good bit of cream …
Eton Mess Parfait
It’s basically a Pavlova but messy!
If you enjoy Pavlova, then this is going to be right up your alley. The best part of this dessert is that it’s so simple and quick to make. Not too much fuss required because you use store bought Meringues. The hardest part is making it fast enough to enjoy.
The story of Eton Mess is that it is traditionally served at Eton College’s annual Cricket game against Harrow School in England. Oh how posh indeed!
If you’re into more exciting “how it came to be” stories, then the story goes that a meringue dessert was accidentally crushed by a dog on the way to a picnic, and what was salvageable was served as strawberries and cream. Not real exciting I know, and I’m not sure I would want to have eaten a dessert crushed by a dog, accident or not, I’m just glad I wasn’t there as a partaker at the time.
However this dessert came to be, I’m happy. It has some serious qualities going on and loved by my family.
Did I mention the cream?!?!?
You could make this a DIY buffet dessert as well and lay out bowls of assorted fruits, a massive bowl over ice filled to the brim with cream and don’t forget the crushed meringues! You can also assemble on a large platter with a few spoons ready to serve it up.
It makes great warm weather dessert and perfect for any get together.

Eton Mess Parfait
- Handful of store bought Meringues per person crush leaving some in larger pieces
- Strawberries hulled and sliced (about 4 - 5 per person - 1 punnet should serve 4)
- Blueberries a small handful per person (1 punnet is enough for 4 people)
- Prepared Sweetened Whipped Cream or Cool Whip
- In a parfait glass, start by layering with the crushed Meringues followed by Cream and then a mixture of Fruit. Squeezing a couple of Strawberries over the cream to make a little syrup as you go. Continue layering finishing with Cream and crushed Meringues.