Madeleines with Hazelnuts and Honey

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
Have you ever had these lovely, soft little French cookies? The scalloped-shaped, dainty treats are lightly flavored and are perfect served with a nice hot cup of coffee or tea!

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
This recipe is very easy to make up and if you don’t have any ground hazelnut meal, then no problem, just use that same amount of all-purpose flour.

In order to get that signature ribbed shell look, there are pans specifically made for these lovlies. You can find Madeleine pans in many stores these days, I’ve even seen them in hobby stores that carry baking supplies. This is my favorite Madeleine pan here *affiliate link*. 

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
For this Madeleine recipe, there’s a decent bit of honey to balance out the nuttiness of the hazelnuts, complimenting this sponge-like cookie beautifully. The flavor is so light and the texture is nice and airy,  with a hint of just the right amount of honey.

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood
Now, I am a full-on, coffee drinking kind of gal, with the occasional need for a decent cup of tea. Let me just say, that these dainty Madeleines can definitely hold there own with whatever your “drink” of choice might be. Warning: BUT whatever you do, do not try dunking them in your drink for too long. Nope. Just trust me, I speak from experience. 😉

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood


Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood

Madeleines with Hazelnuts and Honey

Yield: 36
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 14 minutes
Total Time: 24 minutes

Sponge-like French Madeleines with Hazelnuts and Honey are perfect for a treat anytime!


  • 6 oz Unsalted Butter
  • 1/3 cup Heavy Cream
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 2/3 cup Sugar (I prefer natural golden sugar)
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Powdered Sugar, for serving
  • 1/4 cup ground Hazelnuts (usually found in health food or specialty stores)
  • 3/4 cup All Purpose Flour


  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, add the Butter and allow to melt. Once melted, add in the Cream and warm until you start to see tiny bubbles around the edges, remove from heat and stir in the Honey and Vanilla, mixing well. Set Aside and allow to cool for at least 10 minutes.
  2. In a stand mixer, using a whisk attachment, add both the whole Eggs and 2 Egg Yolks plus the Sugar and mix for about 8 - 10 minutes until nicely incorporated and on the fluffy side.
  3. Add in the Cream mixture (make sure it's slightly cooled), and continue to mix with the Egg mixture until all is well combined.
  4. Stop the mixer, and add in the ground Hazelnut meal and Salt, put on low and mix in. Add in the Flour, 1/2 cup at a time and repeat until all flour is combined.
  5. Place the Madeleine batter, covered, into the refrigerator for at least an hour or overnight.
  6. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 375°F.
  7. Grease the Madeleine pan with softened or melted butter, then lightly dust with flour. Alternatively, you can use a non-stick cooking spray that has both, I use Baker's Joy sometimes.
  8. In each mold, add about 1 tsp of the chilled batter (do not over fill, it will spread and overflow).
  9. Bake Madeleines in the 375°F oven for 5 minutes.
  10. Turn Off Oven for 1 minute.
  11. Turn oven back on to 325°F and continue to bake for 5 - 8 additional minutes.
  12. *Note: This step is what allows the Madeleines to get their signature mound.*
  13. Madeleines are ready when they start to turn lightly golden. Remove from oven, transfer to a cooling rack. Clean Madeleine pan and repeat baking the remainder of the batter.
  14. Dust with Powdered Sugar and Serve.

Best served same day! Enjoy!


If you can not find or do not wish to use the Hazelnut meal, you can simply up the quantity of the All Purpose Flour to 1 cup and proceed with recipe as stated.

Enjoy a bit of these lovely French beauties right in your own kitchen, Madeleines with Hazelnut and Honey Cookies! Recipe @LittleFiggyFood

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